Postmedia Supports Literacy
Postmedia Supports – Literacy
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Literacy skills are the foundation for lifelong learning and significantly affect the quality of life of individuals, families and communities.
– Newspapers in Education (NIE) is an international program that began in 1955 to advance the use of electronic newspapers in schools. NIE helps teachers at all levels to meet their curriculum objectives and fosters improved reading, writing, and thinking skills amongst students. The program is funded by a subscriber donation program. Currently NIE is providing ePapers to 200 schools across Canada.

– Since 1997, the Raise-a-Reader campaign has been changing lives by empowering today’s children and families with tools to improve their reading skills. These skills are the foundation for lifelong learning that significantly affects the quality of life and the health and social economic well-being of individual, families and communities. Donate .
– The Vancouver Sun Children’s Fund purpose is to relieve poverty for students in British Columbia by providing funding for food, clothing, and basic necessities, as well as for mentorship, sports, and arts programs, and to advance education. Since its inception in 2011 the Adopt-a-School project has provided hundreds of grants and millions of dollars to programs supporting students in need.
– Windsor Star Raise-a-Reader campaign is part of the award-winning national fundraising initiative of the Postmedia Foundation. It is a unique philanthropic program that increases awareness and raises money and other resources in support of family literacy programs. Since 2010, the Raise-a-Reader book sale has raised $187,000 for local literacy programs.
– The Ottawa Citizen Literacy Foundation was established in 1993 to act on the belief that literacy is a powerful tool, leading to improved quality of life and greater participation in society. The Foundation supports literacy and language training in areas served by the Ottawa Citizen in Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec. Donate .
– The ELF helps children in vulnerable communities get the skills they need to beat poverty by supporting children and youth with the development of key literacy and life-skills.